organization, packaging, storage, decoration

From pens, paints, brushes and paper to the desk, camera, software and hardware!
Here you'll find everything I need for my work.

I also show in all of my videos on YouTube which material I used for each drawing.
for example:


I also have a “storefront” on  Amazon.
There you will find all the products that I can recommend or that I have bought myself on Amazon.

 1. Organization for pens:

2. Storage & Organization:

Organize pens::

Storing drawings, prints & posters:


3. Desk & other furniture

I got most of the furniture from a store called "XXLutz" or "Hoeffner".


    4. Shipping and storage material:


    Shipping boxes:


    Shipping accessories:


    5. Material I would like to have:

    Of course I am aware that I have a lot of material! ...But of course there are still things I would like.
    Here you will find a list of my wishes, maybe this will also be an inspiration for you or maybe you would also like to fulfill a small wish for me ;)

    Amazon wish list

    And finally a little advertising:


    Partner programs from companies with which I participate or am convinced of the products!


    Note on the links:
    These are largely affiliate links (mostly from Amazon)
    (this does not make the products more expensive, but you are supporting me if you order via these links)